Patient Resources

The best way to fight cavities is to brush and floss regularly, but sometimes it can be tough to clean the entire surface of your teeth. This is especially true in the case of our molars, which reside in the deep depths of the mouth and act as a haven for bacteria and leftover food.
If you’re like most of us, your teeth aren’t perfectly white. In fact, years of ingesting coffee, sugar, tobacco, or any other teeth-staining substances may have yellowed or even browned your teeth. Thankfully, dentistry has evolved to a point where we no longer have to feel ashamed of our smile.
Wisdom teeth are the molars (located both up and down and on either side) in the very back of your mouth. In many cases they can grow improperly (i.e. at wrong angles), causing various problems in the mouth.
Thumb-sucking is a natural behavior for children. It’s a reflex that calms them and makes them feel more secure, and it may even help them sleep. However, if the habit continues into adolescence, it can cause numerous dental issues.
Have you ever had a painful visit to the dentist, even though it didn't involve anything more than an exam and a cleaning? Is it normal to have sensitivity after a cleaning? What happens if it's more than that, and your teeth actually hurt afterward?
What happens to your teeth when you're pregnant? We know that pregnancy has an impact on the body overall, but what does it mean for teeth, specifically? Are there things that expectant mothers should look out for? We talked to some dentists to hear their views.
Sometimes dentures don’t stay in place. What’s the best solution? Are some fixatives better than others? When should someone see their dentist about it?
When 92 percent of adults have had at least one cavity in their life, you know tooth decay is a real issue. But thankfully, we have something to help protect us. And it's as simple as a little paint job!
85 percent of people have to get their wisdom teeth removed at some point in their life. Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are unnecessary teeth that grow in when someone is around 20 years of age. And in most cases, wisdom teeth just lead to health problems.
One of the most common issues is gum disease. It's thought that eight out of ten U.S. adults suffer from mild to severe gum disease. If your gum disease progresses to the point where you need gum surgery, you probably have a lot of questions. We’ve got answers–keep reading to find out everything you need to know.
How do I know if I need a night guard? If I do need one, what kind should I get? What are the differences between ones from the drug store and the one I would get from my dentist?
Electric toothbrushes are popular and come in a variety of styles. Some use vibration while others use rotation-oscillation. They also vary in speed, with some allegedly achieving an ultrasonic speed of 192,000,000 movements per minute!
Body modifications such as tattoos and piercings seem to be popular forms of self-expression, but, given how important oral health is to overall health, are there any dangers someone thinking about getting an oral piercing should consider?
Having dental work done can be costly, so it’s not surprising that people would look to dental insurance to help. But, is it worth it?
Whether in sports or everyday life, accidents happen. And, in some accidents, teeth may be lost. So, what’s the best thing to do if this happens to you—how should you handle a tooth that has been knocked out in an accident?